My studio class collaborated with the Tompkins County Cooperative Extension to provide a comprehensive design package consisting of wayfinding, change management, workspace design, and graphic design solutions. As a member of the graphic design team, we analyzed the existing precedents which included posters, pamphlets, and their website. We not only transformed some of their previous visual content, but also developed a design guide for TCCE employees to utilize moving forward, ensuring the effectiveness of their communication materials in the community. Working within the limits of official Cornell design guidelines, we aimed to refresh the current graphic design aesthetic while maintaining their professional corporate presence.

Wayfinding Signage

Direction 1

Direction 2

Departmental Icons

Tompkins County Cooperative Extension

Team Size : 3

Timeline : 5 weeks

Location : 615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca, NY 14850

Tools : Adobe Illustrator, Indesign; Figma

Full Presentation


Improve Gyms